I'm going to be a touch cliche and start this blog with an explanation and a quote by a famous guy. Bear with me, darling.
“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.”
― Henry James
That quote is responsible for the title of this blog. And it's also my explanation of progressing into veganism. When I did some research on how they treat the animals I ate, I was horrified. I sobbed my way through PETA videos and undercover reports of animal cruelty. I don't usually cry - but cruelty takes it out of me in a big way.
I want to be fair with anyone reading this. I don't think it's immoral to eat animals or their byproducts (dairy, etc.). But I believe that if an animal is going to be born, live, and then die for us, we should give them the high level of respect and care that that deserves. We don't do that, no even close. So, basically, I quit the animal foods industry.
I'm starting with major food products. I'm not moving on to other things (clothing, shoes, etc.) yet because this is a big step for me, and I've done it nearly cold tofurkey. I didn't eat much meat anyway, but cutting out dairy was big for me. It's been okay, but there are days I crave eating cheese, yogurt and mayo like a Beverly Hills Housewife craves implanting herself with silicone.
But my conscience was too much for me. So far, it's winning. And I'm new to this world of cruelty-free food, so I'm learning. But I really like what I've found so far.
And I know, a lot of vegans don't count people as vegan unless they consume ZERO animal products ever. I'm working toward doing that, one step at a time. But "vegan" is easier to say than "completely plant-based way of eating," so I may use and slightly abuse the term.
This is my journey - I haven't hit the destination quite yet.
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